You’re not sure how to attract your ideal client, or even who they really are.
You're worried you may not meet the expectations of the clients that book you.
You don’t know how to value your offerings, position yourself in the market or how to define your niche.
You’re just making enough to cover your expenses, maybe you're paying yourself a small wage, maybe you're not paying yourself yet. You may not even be keeping track of your numbers properly.
You probably feel like you know nothing about marketing, and feel overwhelmed at where and how to start.
You might feel like you need to do more training to be able to put yourself out there. I assure you this is a self-limiting belief.
You're overwhelmed by the administration and practicalities of running a business.
Your mindset is getting in the way of you taking your business to the place of your dreams.
Enter your bullet points here..
Now, take a few breaths and imagine...
Having more enquiries for your support than you’re able to take on.
Knowing exactly how to price your services and position yourself - without worrying about what your competitors are charging.
Being able to rely on your business not just to cover your expenses and pay yourself a wage, but also to generate enough income to re-invest back into the business.
Having time outside of work to pursue your other interests and passions.
Feeling on top of your finances at the end of the month.
If your audience and email list was/were growing steadily in the background with mamas who would love to have your support
Streamlining your systems and calendars to automate your bookings... Imagine the time you would save!!
Enter your bullet points here..
Sounding familiar again?
*Click on the little orange arrow to the right of each module for a drop down with all the lessons.
- Module 1: Business basics: Understanding and fine tuning your goals, strategy, and values.1. Define what success means for you
2. Understand how to define specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your doula business.
3. Define and articulate your core values and beliefs, which will serve as the foundation for your business.
4. Understand the importance of maintaining ethical standards and how to incorporate them into your business practice. - Module 2: Getting in front of the right people, and creating an excellent client experience.1. Understand how to identify and attract your dream clients effectively.
2. How to prepare for your discovery calls to make the best use of your (and your client’s) time.
3. How to build your package and offerings to ensure they are on point.
4. The life cycle of a doula client, understanding the customer journey from A to Z.
5. Ensure you know exactly what your clients want so you can consistently provide an excellent client experience.
6. Finding medicine in every story: Mastering birth debriefing with confidence.
7. Building your social proof with testimonials and positive feedback. - Module 3: How to collaborate and network with fellow doulas and others, while being sure you stand out in a competitive market.1. Understand who your competitors are (not all doulas are your competitors).
2. How to identify your point of difference, or unique selling point, to ensure you stand out in a rapidly growing doula market.
3. Prioritising collaboration over competition, there is enough work for all of us.
4. Working with backups, is it necessary?
5. Ideas for connecting and networking with established doulas, to learn tricks of the trade.
6. Establishing partnerships with other birth, health, and complimentary professionals, to improve the quality of care you offer your clients. - Module 4: Staying on top of your finances and bookkeeping without the overwhelm.1. Take your business seriously by getting down to the nitty gritty with your numbers.
2. Setting realistic net income and revenue targets for your unique stage of business.
3. Pricing your services as packages to ensure it all balances out.
4. Explore different ways to diversify your income streams.
5. Understand the pros and cons of displaying your prices.
6. Understand the pros and cons of offering payment plans.
7. Consider your options on the different methods for receiving payments.
8. Doula Bookkeeping Demystified: Options for keeping tabs on it all. - Module 5: Getting your offers out into the world and making marketing fun.1. Marketing doesn’t have to feel pushy, learn how to make it feel fun!
2. Create a marketing strategy that feels aligned with your values.
3. Learn how to use market research as a tool to help you understand demand.
4. Don’t break the bank with your branding, there’s no need to spend lots to get started.
5. Choosing the best platform/s for you: You don’t have to be everywhere online, but you need to be somewhere.
6. Stop hiding behind your screen and get your face and message into the world.
7. Learn what it takes for people to know, like and trust you before they’ll feel comfortable buying.
8. Help get people to convert from fans into clients by building a marketing funnel.
9. Why you should be using email marketing, to nurture your ideal client even before they’re ready to work with you.
10. Taking the strain off content creation by batching your content, making a plan and sticking to it. - Module 6: Streamlining, automating, and outsourcing your tasks to save yourself time.1. Use a scheduling app to bring your batched social media content effortlessly to your audience.
2. Getting really clear on the way you are currently spending your time.
3. Get a better understanding of the tasks you should be doing, and the tasks you should be automating or outsourcing.
4. Other software and tools that can save you loads of time and frustration, and help you work more seamlessly.
5. What is a Lead Magnet, why you should create one, and how it can save you time and effort.
6. How to know when it’s time to start outsourcing your tasks and/or hiring your first team member. - Module 7: Looking after yourself to ensure you are well-resourced to serve others.1. How your own personal development can enhance your skills, confidence, and well-being as a doula.
2. Developing a community of practice for collective and individual benefit.
3. Doula burnout is prolific, but not inevitable: Don’t become a statistic!
4. Developing a resilient mindset to increase your chances of success.
5. Success looks different for everyone: Recognising and overcoming ‘comparisonitis’.
6. Setting Boundaries with your clients to avoid the consequences of overextending yourself.
7. You can’t pour from an empty cup, what are you doing to replete yours?
Bonus 1: Doula Business Bundle
Additional 9 lessons covering all the finer details about getting your business working better for you. Starting with two lessons covering all the things you need to know about getting your website set up, followed by lots more...
*Click on the little orange arrow to the right of each module for a drop down with all the lessons.
- DOULA BUSINESS BUNDLE: Savvy tips for working smarter, not harder in your doula business.1. The ABC of website design and flow: Tips to help improve the user experience.
2. The triad of website optimisation: Uplevelling your copy, your imagery, and your SEO.
3. Hotjar: Know what people are doing and how they are behaving on your website with this incredible tool!
4. An introduction to AI: Using chat GPT to help you get past writers block and save yourself a tonne of time.
5. An introduction to passive income: Developing resources to help you bring in money while you sleep.
6. Instagram 101: Tips and hacks to make the most out of your efforts.
7. Repurposing your content: Don't create unnecessary work for yourself!
8. From passion to profit: Improving your money mindset to transform your financial future.
9. Taking risks in business and navigating entrepreneurship as a passionate doula.
Bonus Two:
Resources & Templates
Downloadable Resources & Templates: Each module has downloads to help you implement the steps in the lessons
and save you lots of time.
Bonus Three:
Faceboook Community
Savvy Doula Facebook Community: Exclusive access to this group to connect with myself and others in the course for support and to help keep you accountable for your work.
Bonus Four:
Guest Expert Lessons
A growing vault of Guest Expert Lessons to enhance your learning on everything from Trauma Informed Practice to Instagram Secrets to Success to Human Rights in Childbirth, Freebirth Support, Anti Racism Practice, Birthing Equity for the LGBTQIA+ Community & More
Special Offer: Childbirth Education Curriculum Bundle.
When you join the Savvy Doula you get access to a 50% discount code to access my Childbirth Education Curriculum Bundle & Lesson Plans. With this bundle you can start delivering childbirth education sessions in person or online, to individuals or groups, or you could even set up your own online course to start generating your own passive income.
VALUE USD $97.50 (approx. AUD $146)
7 Core Modules with over 10 hours of video content in bite sized videos and comprehensive steps to help you map out everything from your goals and strategy, to implementation = VALUE USD $1,379 (approx. AUD $2,079)
Doula Business Bundle with loads of savvy tips for working smarter, not harder in your doula business = VALUE USD $197 (approx. AUD $299)
Resources, downloads and templates to save you hundreds of hours of time, and lots of headaches = VALUE USD $131 (approx. AUD $199)
Access to the Savvy Doula Facebook Community to learn, grow and celebrate alongside each other = VALUE USD $261 (approx. AUD $397)
Access to growing vault of Guest Expert Lessons = VALUE USD $320 (approx. AUD $499)
TOTAL VALUE = USD $2,288 (approx. AUD $3473
Save 82% with your investment today
= USD $397 (approx. AUD $597)
Payment plans also available.
Or 3 x monthly payments of USD $137
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you can demonstrate that you have implemented all of the strategies and steps outlined in the program, by submitting your workbook and all attached work with 60 days, and you haven't had significant breakthroughs in your business, I will happily offer you a refund.
What my Students are saying...
“The best business decision I made was joining Mary's program- 'The Savvy Doula'. Her course is so comprehensive (so much value in there!!), wholesome, full of SO MUCH of her doula love but with savvy, practical business advice and support. Her innate wisdom and inner knowing naturally make her a leader in the birthworker space so to be able to see how she conducts herself as a business woman and in turn shows you how you can apply this for yourself is just priceless.”
- Jewels Hoyne
"The Savvy Doula program was a transformational time in my doula journey. It has helped me gain confidence in many aspects were I felt lacking or inadequate. Mary is a compassionate and experienced doula that has so much to share! Her wisdom in the doula business will help any emerging or established doulas get ahead... So, so grateful for her and all the amazing women that journeyed with me. Will definitely be doing more courses with Mary in the future"
- Tania Llanes
“Mary's gentle guidance, coaching and care allowed me to turn my postpartum doula work from a part time hobby into a business, without removing the heart lead passion. I joined her course The Savvy Doula and found the self guided video content, with accompanying worksheets and PDFs informative, clear and helpful. I will return to it again and again. The group video coaching calls lead by Mary gave me a community and connected me with doulas from around the world. Would absolutely recommend working with Mary in any capacity. She's a rare gem.”.
How I turned my passion for birth into a profitable and sustainable business...
When I started my own Doula business journey, I agreed with my partner that I would take AUD $2000 from our family savings to invest into the start-up of my business, once my training was complete. I invested the money in things like a logo that was designed by a graphic designer, printing business cards, buying a few props and tools and books, and had a small amount left over in my business account...
Little did I know that I would probably never use the cards, I would grow out of my logo and business name in less than two years, and most of the tools would sit in my bag, unused. In the years that followed I continued to invest in my business (more strategically) and gained new skills that gave me the confidence to try different things, set up diverse income streams and partnerships, organise and run small and large-scale events, and more.
I also worked on my money mindset and started to think about my business as a REAL business and not just a hobby. I believe both things are essential if you want your business to grow. I’ve invested over $30,000 in my business, and in return generated $190,000 in revenue (last year alone making almost $100,000) More importantly, for the past five years I have been moving at my own pace, have been accountable to no one else, and have continued to re-invent myself repeatedly to ensure I’ve stayed true to my values and myself. I share this because I think it’s important to understand the journey that others have been on, so see that they also started out with little and felt insecure, but that with the right support they’ve been able to achieve success in business in their own unique way. Success for me might look different to success for you, and that will be one of the first things you will think about when you dive into the Savvy Doula Program!
If you’re prepared to take your business seriously, I truly believe the sky is the limit for you too!
The Savvy Doula is for you if:
You've completed your doula training.
You love working with clients.
You are ready to take your business seriously and stop treating it like a hobby.
You have big visions for your business.
You have the capacity, time & determination to spend working through the lessons in this program.
You understand that you, and only you, can bring the vision you have for your birth business to life.
The Savvy Doula isn't for you if:
You've still completing your training.
You don't have client experience yet.
You want to be a doula as a hobby, not to build and grow a business.
You don't have goals for your business.
You don’t have the time to work through the course. (It’s ok, it’ll be here for you to come back to when you do!)
You're looking for an easy path to success and are not prepared to do the hard work to get there.
This course is a roadmap for building your business with solid foundations and growing it in a way that is sustainable and aligned with you and your goals. You WILL need to put in work and dedication to get there but the results will absolutely be worth it. I promise you won’t regret it.
Most doulas complete their training with a big enthusiasm for improving outcomes for birthing families but NO IDEA how to run a business. Don't be like most doulas/birthworkers!
The Savvy Doula is jam packed not just with lessons on all the key areas that are integral to building and running a business, but also with downloads and resources to help save you hundreds of hours of time, to understand your place in the market and to continuously attract your ideal client, guest expert lessons, discounts and more. What value would you put on that? I’d say it’d be much more than the cost of this program.
Everyone who joins the Savvy Doula will be invited to join a Facebook support group where you can connect with others in the program, help each other out by providing feedback on each others work, and help to keep each other accountable for doing the work, while also receiving support from me!
Enter your bullet points here..
Frequently Asked Questions
- What do I actually get for my investment?You get access to the Savvy Doula course, which includes 7 modules with 50+ core doula business lessons, 7 bonus lessons, lots of downloads and resources to help you implement your learnings, and access to a Facebook community for support and connection.
- When does it start?The Savvy Doula is open for you to join at any time, so if you're not ready now just come back when you are and it will be here for you ready to go!
- How much time do I have to complete the program?You will have lifetime access to the course, that is, for as long as the course exists!!
- How is the content delivered?This is an online course with all the content available for you to work through at your own pace.
- Are there any live calls included in the program?No, this is a self paced course with support and community in the Facebook group but no live calls are included. You'd be pressed to find anything that does include live calls at this price point. I do other ways to work with me with more direct support available though, so if you'd like to know more, get in touch at:
- How much does it cost?The Savvy Doula program is available now for just USD $397 (approx. AUD $597)!!
- Are there payment plans available?There is one payment plan available which is for two payments of 3 x USD $137 (approx. AUD $206). One is to be paid at the time of joining, with the other two to be paid one and two months later, in order to maintain access to the program.
- Do you offer any scholarship places?Yes!! I am proud to be able to offer a discounted scholarship place to one doula per month. These will be offered to folks who are experiencing social and economical disadvantage. Please get in touch with me to find out more, via
- What is the refund policy?If you can demonstrate that you have implemented all of the strategies and steps outlined in the program, and you still feel that it hasn’t improved your confidence and understanding about growing and running your business, I will happily offer you a refund within 60 days of your initial purchase.
- What happens at the end of the program?Good question!! At the completion of the program, you will be invited into my membership support program to receive ongoing group coaching and mentoring from me.coaching and support.
If you have any other questions that aren’t answered here, send me an email
to and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Get access to the Savvy Doula now!!
Contact information
These are the Terms and Conditions of Sale for all programs, online courses and any other services (Services) sold by GIORDANO, MARY ELINOR (ABN 13721827544) trading as Mary Giordano (Mary Giordano) on our website, and checkout pages at
Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they apply to all transactions between us and can only be waived or varied in writing signed by us. By proceeding with a purchase with us, you’re indicating to us that you’ve read, understood and agreed to enter into a binding agreement with us on these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about our terms and conditions, Services or Website, or any purchase you make through the Website, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
While we take every care to make sure our Website and sales pages are accurate and up to date, we’re only human and from time to time, mistakes may occur (for example, a pricing error or inclusions error).
Please note that when you submit an order through the Website or sales pages, no agreement is formed until we process and accept your order and send you a confirmation. If there’s been an error leading to your order (such as a pricing error), we may choose not to complete the order, but we’ll be sure to contact you to discuss your options (for example, placing an order at the correct price).
You agree to pay us the purchase price for the Services listed on the Website or sales pages (subject of course to the proviso above, in the case of accidental errors and omissions). Prices are listed in Australian dollars (AUD) and United States dollars (USD) and are inclusive of GST, unless otherwise stated on the Website.
The payment structure for all Services includes full payment up front, or by payment plan as selected at checkout. Please see our Website and/or sales pages for further details or contact us for further information on our available payment options.
We currently accept payment via credit card and PayPal. We may offer other ways to pay from time to time, such as through other third-party payment gateways or processors or electronic funds transfer into our nominated bank account. Please ask us for more information.
In making a payment, you warrant to us that you’ve read and agreed to the terms of any other third-party payment gateway or processor we use on the Website from time to time, which are available on their website. You understand that these services are provided by third parties and are made available to you on our Website for convenience only.
We’re not responsible for any issues, loss or damage arising out of those facilities. If you have an issue with a third-party provider, please contact them directly.
We may vary our prices from time to time. You agree and acknowledge that we may do so at any time on notice, and that such notice is given by us posting the updated price on our Website and/or sales pages or otherwise notifying you.
If you fail to make a scheduled payment, or if any such payment is returned or denied for any reason, we may terminate this Agreement or suspend or cancel your access, at our absolute discretion, unless or until payment is received.
In order to purchase access to an online course, you must first create an online account.
As a purchaser of an online course, we grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to access the course and all associated intellectual property in accordance with these terms, copy and store the online course content contained therein in your device's cache memory and to print pages from the online course for your own personal and non-commercial use.
We don’t grant you any other rights whatsoever in relation to the Website, sales pages or the online course. Specifically, you are prohibited from re-using the content contained in the online course for commercial use.
Mary Giordano can revoke this license immediately and without notice if you use the content other than in accordance with this license.
Risk in the Services supplied under this Agreement passes to you once the Services are made available to you; that is, once the email with your login details has been delivered.
We may offer discounts from time to time. Please note that discounts are not available in conjunction with any other offer (for example, if we have two promotions on offer at the same time, you can only apply one discount to a purchase, not both).
Discounts are available for the stated time, which varies per promotion. We reserve the right to revoke any discount offer at any time without notice.
Once we’ve received your payment and confirmed your order, you’ll receive an email with your login details to access the Services.
If you have any technical problems accessing your online account or accessing the material which forms part of the Services, please contact us for assistance.
You agree to follow our rules for participation in the services. You understand and agree that you must treat our members with respect and to refrain from conduct which is otherwise illegal, discriminatory, harassing, threatening, sexist, defamatory, vilifying, bullying, trolling, misleading or deceptive.
Failure to comply with this clause amounts to a breach of this Agreement and Mary Giordano may suspend or limit your access to the Services or terminate this Agreement.
Mary Giordano will not be liable for any loss caused by any failure to observe the terms and conditions of this Agreement, where such failure is occasioned by causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, by fire, flood, other extreme weather event or natural disaster, riot, strike, act of war, terrorist attack, nuclear event, pandemic, epidemic, widespread contagion, quarantine restriction, critical infrastructure failure, severe disruption to virtual infrastructure, restriction or prohibition or any other action by any government or semi government authority, or major injury or illness of key personnel. We may choose to cancel your order, or otherwise to complete your order once things have returned to normal. If we expect a major delay, we’ll contact you to discuss a suitable solution.
We may give you advice, recommendations, information, instruction or assistance in relation to the Services and in material provided to you through the Services, believing it to be accurate, appropriate and reliable at the time but we don’t give any warranty of accuracy, appropriateness or reliability.
The information, advice and instruction we give are general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for professional advice. You should seek appropriate professional advice suitable for your personal circumstances if necessary.
We won’t accept any liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss suffered because of your or any other person’s reliance on information or advice we provide on our Website or online courses, unless otherwise required by law.
In the Services, we may link to and from other websites that we think share our ethos and that we think you will find helpful. Those websites will have information collated and presented by third-party businesses, organisations and individuals. Please note that we may include these links for your convenience, however we don’t necessarily endorse or support the views, opinions, standards or information expressed on them. For your own safety, please make sure you check the protocols and standards of the linked websites before using them.
Of course, because the linked websites are run by third parties, we can’t warrant or represent that any of the information on them is up to date, complete or correct. While we do our best to make sure we link to reputable websites, we can’t accept responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense you or anyone else might incur because you’ve used or relied on material on the linked websites, so please make sure you use caution and common sense while browsing online, especially if you’re making purchases.
The Services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law, which forms Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (ACL).
Nothing in these terms excludes any right, guarantee or warranty you’re entitled to by law, however we do exclude all other guarantees, conditions and warranties to the maximum extent permitted by law. We also specifically exclude liability for negligence.
Wherever possible, our liability for breach of any condition, warranty or guarantee is limited, at our option, under s64A of the ACL to replacement of the Services or the cost of having the Services replaced, or such other remedy that we see fit.
We won’t be liable for any consequential loss or damage or other direct or indirect loss or damage, except where we are unable to limit or exclude such loss under the ACL (for example, we are unable to exclude or limit liability for consequential loss arising out of a breach of a consumer guarantee).
Except as set out above, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all terms, guarantees, warranties, representations or conditions which are not expressly stated in these terms and conditions.
Please note that we will not be liable for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage (unless such loss or damage is reasonably foreseeable resulting from our failure to meet an applicable consumer guarantee to which you are entitled under the ACL), loss of profit or opportunity, or damage to goodwill arising out of or in connection with the Services, Website, online course or these terms and conditions (including as a result of not being able to use or access the Services, Website or online course), whether at common law, under contract, tort (including negligence), in equity, pursuant to statute or otherwise.
We make the Services available to you, however you use the Services at your own risk. Everything in the Services is provided "as is" and "as available" – we don’t make any representations or warranties of any kind.
If for any reason you are not a consumer of Services for the purposes of the Australian Consumer Law, we exclude all liability to you, however arising, including by negligence.
Refunds will only be provided in accordance with our obligations under Australian Consumer Law. We are not required to provide a refund if you change your mind about the course that you chose to enrol into.
Refunds are limited. If you can demonstrate that you have implemented all of the strategies and steps outlined in the program, by submitting your workbook and all attached work with 60 days, and you still feel that it hasn’t improved your confidence and understanding about growing and running your business, I will happily offer you a refund.
However, while course fees are non-refundable, students may have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from undertaking their course. Where evidence can be successfully provided to support the student’s circumstances, course fees may be refunded or partially refunded as per the following:
A 50% refund is permitted if the enrolment is cancelled within 7 days of the course commencement date in the event of demonstrable extenuating circumstances.
All Intellectual Property, including online course, downloads, digital assets and resources, services and website are subject to copyright and are protected by copyright under the laws of Australia and through international treaties. Unless we say otherwise, all rights (including copyright) in the online course, Services and website (including text, graphics, logos, button icons, video images, audio clips, code, scripts, design elements and interactive features) are owned or controlled by us and are reserved by us.
You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights owned by us or to which we are entitled before and after this Agreement will remain our sole property and that nothing in this Agreement transfers any ownership in our intellectual property rights to you.
If you would like to share our website or social media content that’s freely available for re-use or is in the public domain, you are permitted to do so, as long as you attribute same to us and link back to our website. This includes images on our website and social media profiles, unless we explicitly cite a copyright notice indicating otherwise. If you’d like to share, re-publish or otherwise use our website or content in a way that you aren’t expressly authorised to do by these terms, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
You are expressly prohibited from producing, publishing, or otherwise distributing any of the Intellectual Property, save as to any licence of the Intellectual Property or part thereof granted under this Agreement.
You grant us permission to use and reproduce your name, business or trading name and logo (if applicable), photograph or likeness, including any trade marks, as well as evidence of services delivered and results achieved to promote our business.
We love it when you share about our products on social media. If you do share images or videos (or any other depiction whatsoever) of our products or services on your social media, you provide to us your express and unconditional consent to share your content on our social media. We will of course provide appropriate attribution to you (through tagging you or other appropriate means) when reposting your content.
You acknowledge that you may have access to certain confidential information of Mary Giordano, including (but not limited to) technical information and know how relating to the online course, Services, the Website and Mary Giordano (Confidential Information). You agree to treat as confidential the Confidential Information and not use or disclose the Confidential Information during the term of this Agreement or thereafter, other than in connection with performing this Agreement or with our prior written consent.
In the event of a breach or threatened breach by you of this clause, you acknowledge we will be irreparably harmed, and monetary damages will be an insufficient remedy. Accordingly, you consent to enforcement of this clause by means of temporary or permanent injunction and other appropriate legal or equitable relief in any competent court.
This clause survives the expiry or termination for any reason of this Agreement.
You agree the restrictions set out in this clause are reasonable and necessary to protect our goodwill and reasonable commercial interests.
The relationship between the parties is that of independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement is to be construed as constituting an agency, partnership, joint venture, relationship of employee and employer or franchisor and franchisee or any other form of association between the parties.
If a dispute arises between the parties, the party claiming the dispute must not commence any court or arbitration proceedings (except where they seek urgent interlocutory relief), unless they have first complied with this clause.
The party must inform the other party in writing of the following:
• the nature of the dispute;
• the outcome they desire to resolve the dispute, and
• the action they believe will settle the dispute.
On receipt of the notice by the other party, both parties will make every effort, without delay and in good faith, to resolve the dispute by mutual negotiation within fourteen (14) Business Days.
If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute in that time, the parties must agree on selection of a mediator (if the parties are unable to agree, they agree to request that the President of the Law Society of Victoria, Australia appoint a mediator) and will be equally liable for the fees and reasonable expenses of the mediator and the cost of the venue of the mediation (to be paid in advance). The parties must each pay their own costs associated with the mediation, which must be held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
The existence of a dispute or the commencement of proceedings does not affect the obligation of the parties to continue to perform their obligations under this Agreement.
This clause survives termination of this Agreement.
You can seek independent legal advice on these terms and contact us to negotiate changes or amendments to these conditions before proceeding with your order. If you don’t do so, we’ll take it that you’ve read, understood and agreed to be bound by these conditions, and that you consider the conditions fair and reasonable and not against public policy.
We may make permitted variations to these conditions at any time by updating this document and giving notice to you by posting a copy on the Website, checkout page, or online course , or otherwise notifying you in writing. The variations will take effect thirty (30) days after the date of posting. Your continued access and use of the Services will indicate your acceptance of the variations.
Permitted variations will be limited to those reasonably required by us to protect our legitimate business interests and which do not seriously impact the benefit you receive under this Agreement.
If any part of these conditions is found to be void or unenforceable by a Court of competent jurisdiction, that part will be severed, and the rest of the Agreement will remain in force.
The rights of each party under this Agreement are personal. You may only assign, charge, transfer or otherwise encumber or dispose of any of their rights under this Agreement with our prior written consent, which can only be withheld on reasonable grounds. We may assign, charge, transfer or otherwise encumber or dispose of any of their rights under this Agreement on giving you notice in writing.
The contents of this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior negotiations, representations, understandings or arrangements made between the parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, whether orally or in writing.
A party’s failure or delay to exercise a power or right does not operate as a waiver of that power or right. The exercise of a power or right does not preclude its future exercise or the exercise of any other power or right.
This Agreement commences on the date that it is accepted by you and will remain in force until each party has fulfilled their obligations under this Agreement, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement or general law.
We may terminate this Agreement at any time on thirty (30) days’ written notice to you. All disclaimers and limitations of liability will survive termination. Any accrued rights or remedies to which either party is entitled will not be affected.
As we’re based in Victoria, Australia, these conditions will be governed by the laws of that state/territory. If we do end up in court, you agree that the non-exclusive venue for resolving any dispute will be in the courts of Victoria, Australia, Australia.
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionOne-time payment $397.00
- Preferred optionPayment Plan (3 x $137)3x $137.00
Choose your price
Payment information
- Total payment
- 1xThe Savvy Doula$0-+
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